OCTOBER 10, 2022. Today is indigenous people’s day and as some institutions are closed with paper signage saying, “Closed in observance of Columbus Day,” please take a moment to reflect on the struggles we face as a community. Modern slavery, over-exploiting labor demands from employers, low-paying salaries, no healthcare coverage, no secured retirement, extreme heat during spring and summer, extreme cold during winter, language barriers, and cultural shock to name a few. Do we really want to celebrate a man who claimed to discover a land that was already inhabited by Indigenous people and societies with their own civilizations, governments, and laws? Do we want to celebrate a man who brought diseases and plagues and because of that, my ancestors died? Do we want to celebrate a man who tried to force our traditions and customs to die? Do we want to celebrate a man who made us believe that our skin color, hair texture, nose shape, and height were inferior? 

This is the day to celebrate US! Our names, language, skin color, hair texture, nose shape, and height. Everything that makes us unique and beautiful. Because diversity is charming, and it is US!

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