In order to improve farmworkers’ living conditions we understand that strong regulations are needed. We educate our members, our supporters, and policy makers about the risks and impacts of agricultural work and other low-income labor on rural communities. We believe in the power of ballots because we are intrinsically a democratic organization.
Civic Participation means to us that the voices of farmworkers are heard and respected. That society learns to value agricultural work in its real context and that people, not corporations, benefit from the labor of food chain workers.
Voting support
We regularly support “get out the vote” actions by registering voters and providing guidance on dates, locations, candidates, and initiatives appearing on ballots. We regularly organize Candidates Forums where our members can ask questions.
Informing members and law makers
The FWAF is nonpartisan, we do not lobby for specific law or candidate. However, we provide our members and sympathizers with facts and encourage them to act in consequence. From time to time we travel to Tallahassee and Washington D.C. to bring testimonies of our members to policy makers, so they are aware of how their policies affect farmworkers.
Federal and international level
At the international level, FWAF embraces the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas; at the Federal level our membership strongly supports comprehensive immigration reform and occupational protection like the updated EPA’s Workers Protection Standard and Heat Prevention Laws.
Local level
To protect our members, we regularly conduct “know your rights” workshops with partner experts to ensure they are not invisible to society. We have promoted the US Census since 1990. At the local level we work closely with the counties and cities where we have offices and we count on the generous support of local organizations and donors to build Community Gardens in 4 locations.
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