NO to the lastest Title 42 update

The United States Supreme Court ruled on 12/17/2022 for Title 42 to stay in place with a 5 to 4 ruling. Title 42 emerged at the same time the covid pandemic did and was used by the federal government to expel asylum seekers without a hearing since the Trump administration set it in motion in March 2020. Under the 1944 Public Health Services Law, Title 42 “allows the government to prevent the introduction of individuals during certain public health emergencies,” said Olga Byrne, the immigration director at the International Rescue Committee. The ruling in March 2020 was enacted for public health reasons but will now stay in place as a fear of a surge in immigration rises, according to the judges. Conservative Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch sided with liberal judges as part of a 5-4 vote announced Tuesday, delaying a trial court order. The next step would be to air the case in February of 2023, and a decision is expected at the end of June 2023. 

The Farmworker Association of Florida does not support this unconscionable decision affecting thousands of immigrants seeking a better future and that the decision is inhumane. We believe in human rights and fight for human rights for all. People at the U.S/Mexico border are not only suffering from cold and hunger but are escaping from their countries due to the lack of jobs, food, and for protection against gangs and criminal groups. These reasons and more are what is causing complex immigration, where our government has a history of intervention a destabilization in the region. Should we pretend these people do not exist and continue with our lives? What kind of humans are we if we show no empathy towards children and families? They only want to live a happy and peaceful life like you.  


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